柏栎子居酒店 悠然臻品,轻奢时光。灵动优雅的设计,精致浪漫的格调,彰显现代轻奢主义风格。柏栎子居,让您尽享怡然相伴的品质生活和尊崇礼遇。 泰国清迈宁曼柏栎子居酒店 清迈柏栎子居酒店,是柏栎子居品牌系列在泰国清迈的第一家酒店,于2019 年5 月正式开业。 清迈柏栎子居酒店拥有10 间豪华客房/ 套房和1 间早餐厅;所有房间均有卫生间、迷你吧、平板电视、空调、衣橱、吹风机、单人沙发、免费Wi-Fi 等。酒店还提供叫醒服务,并配备中文服务员。 酒店毗邻玛雅购物中心、宁曼步行街和中央百货,让您畅享购物的愉悦。其绝佳的地理位置和现代普罗旺斯风情,可谓是旅游住宿的绝佳地点。 甄选迷你吧小点和软饮,豪华洗浴设施、定制床垫、多种功能的枕头选择,让您放松身心,拥有完美好眠。 如果您的游玩行程不局限于只参观庙宇,而是想每天睡到自然醒,再起床到宁曼路悠闲地逛吃,那么清迈柏栎子居酒店将是您最完美的选择!Centerparcs by Paxton Chiang Mai is the first hotel of CenterParcs in Chiangmai in Thailand and is opened in May of 2019.The hotel has 10 deluxe rooms/suites and 1 breakfast room. All rooms have a bathroom, mini bar, flat-screen TV, air conditioner, wardrobe, hair dryer, single sofa, free wi-fi, etc. The hotel also offers morning call service with Chinese language service.With its excellent location and modern Provence style, it is really a great choice for travel. The hotel located in the main city of Chiangmai, adjacent to Maya Mall, NimmanPedestrian Street and Central Department Store.Selected mini bar spots and soft drinks, luxury bath facilities, custom mattresses, a variety of functional pillow options, let you relax and have a perfect sleep.If your trip is not limited to the temple, but want to sleep every day to wake up, and then get up to Nimman road leisurely stroll to eat some delicacies, Centerparcs by Paxton Chiang Mai will be your perfect choice!酒店地址:泰国清迈府素贴区宁曼路7 巷29/6 号预定热线:+66 0979232063Address:Nimmanhaeminda Lane 7, Muang Chiangmai, Chiang Mai, ThailandTel:+66 0979232063 北京柏栎子居四合院酒店 北京柏栎子居四合院酒店位于著名的朝阳区,距离故宫博物园仅2.5公里,是正儿八经的“天子脚下”。酒店整体建筑是标准四合院,配有9间精致轻奢客房,特色小院儿,露台,休闲阳光房。客房融合中国元素,酒店里随处可见具有京城特点的摆件装饰,宾客足不出户都可感受北京本土文化。Centerparcs By Paxton Beijing is located in the famous Chaoyang district, just 2.5 kilometers away from the Palace Museum, which is the "foot of the King". The overall building of the hotel is a standard quadrangle courtyard, equipped with 9 exquisite light luxury rooms, characteristic small courtyard, terrace, leisure sunshine room. Guestrooms incorporate Chinese elements, the hotel can be seen everywhere with the characteristics of Beijing decorations, guests can feel the local culture of Beijing without leaving home. 西双版纳子居曼岛秘境酒店 西双版纳柏栎子居曼岛秘境酒店,地处曼飞龙水库旁,依山傍水,湖色秀丽,在此处旅居,足以开启一场沉浸式云南之旅。 酒店尊重场地自然风貌,基于云南的人文气候特性,意在将古老智慧中的粗糙、朴素之美植入在地特色,打造一处绝迹市郊外,结庐云水间的小众轻奢酒店。 西双版纳柏栎子居曼岛秘境酒店在丛林树屋中凝练灵感,意图为孩子们打造一个自然天堂,更深切地感受云南的雨林魅力。 在湖边静坐,等一场日落,在茶园漫步,品春天的味道,在船上露营,来一次前所未有的体验……住进西双版纳柏栎子居曼岛秘境酒店,可以是一次旅行的目的地。 Add: Poly Xishuangman Lake Marketing Center, Yunda Road East, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan地址:西双版纳傣族自治州允大公路东保利西双曼湖营销中心旁Tel 电话:+86 13398818366 |