柏栎尊选酒店 放松休闲,回归自我。原汁原味的文化特色,无处不在的创意与细节,给您的旅途带来惊喜连连,让您在大自然中寻找身体与心灵的栖居。 九寨沟柏栎尊选酒店 九寨沟柏栎度假酒店,建筑面积为20924.2平方米。她位于九寨沟风景区圣地,交通便利,距九黄机场仅一小时车程,是通往仅四公里的风景区的必经之路,可谓是九寨沟的最佳地理位置。酒店主楼拥有272间宽敞优雅、设备齐全的客房及套房;酒店内设跨界餐厅、娱乐厅、表演厅、桑拿、茶苑、大小会议室等,是旅游居停、享用美食、了解民族风情、举办会议的理想之地。Paxton Vacances Hotels & Resorts Jiuzhaigou construction area is 20,924.2 square meters. It is located in Jiuzhaigou, a scenic spot with convenient transportation. It is only an hour’s drive from Jiuhuang airport and the only route to a scenic spot, which is only four kilometers away. It is the best geographical location of Jiuzhaigou. The main building of the hotel has 272 spacious and well-equipped rooms and suites. The hotel has a cross-boundary restaurant, entertainment hall, performing hall, sauna, tea garden, conference room and so on. It is an ideal place to live, enjoys the food, learn ethnic customs and hold meetings. 盘州柏栎尊选酒店 盘州柏栎尊选度假酒店于2020年9月7日正式进入试运营、投资方、管理集团及全体酒店员工共同见证了这一揭幕时刻,这是柏栎酒店管理集团在贵州管理运营的首家高星级度假酒店,标志着柏栎的版图上又多了一笔。柏栎酒店管理集团首席运营官华德明先生表示: “我们非常感谢投资方对柏栎酒店管理集团的认可以及对经营模式的信任,这次成功的合作体现出多方共赢。作为盘州地区的第一家品牌高端度假酒店,依托柏栎酒店管理集团专业运营团队,标准及市场营销体系,我们有信心和投资方齐心协力,将酒店打造成旅客入住盘州地区的首选酒店。” Paxton Vacances Resort Panzhou officially entered the trial operation on September 7, 2020. The investors, Paxton Group and all the hotel staff witnessed the opening moment together. This is the first high-star resort managed and operated by Paxton Vacances Hotel Management Group in Guizhou, which marks another stroke of pen on the map of Paxton. "We are very grateful for the investors' recognition and trust in the business model of Paxton Vacances Hotel Management Group. This successful cooperation is a win-win for all parties," said Harry Hua, Chief Operating Officer of Paxton Vacances Hotel Management Group. As the first high-brand resort hotel in Panzhou, relying on the professional operation team of Paxton Vacances Hotel Management Group; with the standard and marketing system, we are confident to work together with investors to make the hotel the first choice for guests in Panzhou.盘州柏栎尊选度假酒店(盘州月亮庄酒店)Panzhou Moon Resort Hotel贵州省盘州市盘州大道(中央森林公园对面)Panzhou Avenue, Panzhou City, Guizhou Province(Opposite to Central Forest Park)T 0858 386 6666 三亚柏栎尊选酒店 酒店地处三亚重要的景观干线迎宾路,位于三亚CBD商业圈,距离海旅免税城约50米,毗邻三亚千古情景区,步行约5分钟,交通四通八达。可直通三亚湾椰梦长廊、亚龙湾度假区,得天独厚的地理优势,坐享城市新地标。酒店拥有精品客房,独具特色的房型,位于15至29层,居高临下视野开阔的落地窗,可眺望碧峰翠山,纵览美丽三亚的城市风光,品味一座城,一种生活的独有底蕴。全部客房均配有厨房、水吧、冰箱、沙发、家用小电器,专享无微不至的舒适空间。酒店拥有全日制餐厅,提供中西式国际自助早餐,海南特色美食。地址:中国海南省三亚市吉阳区迎宾路416-3号 Add: No. 416-3 Yingbin Road, Sanya City, Hainan province, China 电话Tel: 86 0898-3883 6666 柬埔寨柏栎尊选酒店 西哈努克港是柬埔寨三大旅游胜地之一,拥有椰林树影、水清沙幼和未经规模性开发的原始岛屿,不仅吸引着外国游客争相前往,也是柬埔寨富人的度假天堂。西港目前是柬埔寨最大的经济特区,是中国“一带一路”的重要项目,经济的发展引入大量的人口和资金,具有极高的投资潜力。Sihanouk Ville is one of the three major tourist destinations in Cambodia, with coconut trees, water, sand and virgin islands, not only attracting foreign tourists, but also a paradise for wealthy Cambodians.Now Sihanouk Ville is the largest special economic zone in Cambodia and an important project of China's "One Belt And One Road". The economic development has attracts a large number of people and capital; it has a high investment of potential. |