合肥柏栎荟舍酒店详情介绍 合肥柏栎荟舍酒店位于安徽合肥蜀山区芙蓉路,毗邻安徽省文化博物园,距离李鸿章故居仅 30 分钟车程,方便快捷。酒店拥有102 间客房,全酒店无线覆盖,让您时刻与世界高速连接;大厅明亮的会客区为您提供移动办公用品,商务随时随行。在迷你会议室,高端设备让您畅享在线会议。纯粹的质感空间,充满意境的装饰设计,智能化的服务,让您享受随意切换的旅行惬意。 Suiton Plus by Paxton Hefei is located in Furong Road, Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui Province. It is adjacent to Anhui Cultural Museum Park and only 30 minutes away from Li Hongzhang's Former Residence. The hotel has 102 rooms with complete Wi-Fi coverage, allowing you to connect with the world with high speed. The bright reception area in the lobby provides you with mobile office supplies for business travel at any time. In the mini conference room, high end equipment allows you to enjoy online meetings. Pure space, creative decoration and intelligent service, enables a homely pleasure for you. 安徽省合肥市蜀山区芙蓉西路 561 号 No. 561, Furong west Road, Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui, China +86 551 6522 7788 上一个: 泰国清迈宁曼柏栎子居酒店 下一个: 北京柏栎子居四合院酒店 |