详情介绍 北京柏栎子居四合院酒店位于著名的朝阳区,距离故宫博物园仅2.5公里,是正儿八经的“天子脚下”。酒店整体建筑是标准四合院,配有9间精致轻奢客房,特色小院儿,露台,休闲阳光房。客房融合中国元素,酒店里随处可见具有京城特点的摆件装饰,宾客足不出户都可感受北京本土文化。 Centerparcs By Paxton Beijing is located in the famous Chaoyang district, just 2.5 kilometers away from the Palace Museum, which is the "foot of the King". The overall building of the hotel is a standard quadrangle courtyard, equipped with 9 exquisite light luxury rooms, characteristic small courtyard, terrace, leisure sunshine room. Guestrooms incorporate Chinese elements, the hotel can be seen everywhere with the characteristics of Beijing decorations, guests can feel the local culture of Beijing without leaving home. 上一个: 泰国清迈宁曼柏栎子居酒店 下一个: 井冈山长塘柏栎子居酒店 |