润和柏栎精选酒店详情介绍 温馨的住宿环境,将奢华现代的装修风格与殷勤周到的服务完美结合,让您独享城市的安静与舒适。客房同时配有可更换循环降解的一线环保洗浴用品,不仅为客人提供了极高的消费性价比,同时更秉承了“PAXTON”一贯的环保理念。酒店还拥有典雅中餐厅,主题西餐厅,各式多功能会议厅,时尚的酒店设计带给您另一种生活方式…… The luxury modern decoration style combined with our perfect service, it will make your staying quiet and comfortable. We use environmental room packingtotally matched up with “PAXTON'' environmental ideas. The hotel owned an elegant Chinese Restaurant,theme Western Restaurant, Lobby Lounge, two tea house and all types of multi-functional conference rooms, all of these will bring you another new life style. 中国四川省成都市新都区大丰先驱大道2号 Add:2,Xianqu Avenue, Dafeng, Xindu District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 上一个: 邛海湾柏栎尊选酒店 下一个: 塞纳湖柏栎荟舍酒店 |