详情介绍 西哈努克港是柬埔寨三大旅游胜地之一,拥有椰林树影、水清沙幼和未经规模性开发的原始岛屿,不仅吸引着外国游客争相前往,也是柬埔寨富人的度假天堂。 西港目前是柬埔寨最大的经济特区,是中国“一带一路”的重要项目,经济的发展引入大量的人口和资金,具有极高的投资潜力。 Sihanouk Ville is one of the three major tourist destinations in Cambodia, with coconut trees, water, sand and virgin islands, not only attracting foreign tourists, but also a paradise for wealthy Cambodians. Now Sihanouk Ville is the largest special economic zone in Cambodia and an important project of China's "One Belt And One Road". The economic development has attracts a large number of people and capital; it has a high investment of potential. 上一个: 三亚柏栎尊选酒店 |