详情介绍 冬有暖阳,夏有凉风。西昌是春光经年栖息之地,一碧千顷的邛海为这个城市注入无尽温婉,而彝族文化风情则是人文体验的另一场惊叹。无论是周末假日、商务出行、举家出游,邛海湾柏栎荟舍酒店度假,都将开启您的全感光新体验! With warmth in winter and breeze in summer, Xichang is the city with all year round spring ambience. Qionghai brings endless gentle, at the same time, it gives you a great chance to experience a combination of the Yi culture! Whether it is for a holiday, a business trip, or family journey, Suiton Plus by Paxton provides you with a new wonderful experience. Address: Qionghai Bay.Coastal South Road.Xichang,Sichuan 地址: 四川省西昌市海滨大道南路45号 PC邮编: 615022 Tel电话: 0834-3333377 Res预订: 0834-3333977 Fax传真: 0834-3333977 E-mail邮箱: reservation.suites@paxtonvacances.com 上一个: 四姑娘山柏栎子居藏汉酒店 下一个: 合肥柏栎荟舍酒店 |